Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wanna Be Vegan, Um What's Up With That?
 Mama's Perfect Milk

     Perfection.  Absolute perfection. Experts completely agree that mother's milk--breast milk--is the very best, complete, and most nourishing food for a baby.  There is nothing that replicates its positive effects on a growing child.  Nothing.  Its irreplaceable nutritional properties are ideal and nothing short of incredible.
     Breastfed babies have a myriad of benefits, many which follow them all their lives.  For example, babies given breast milk have an increased immunity to all kinds of viruses and diseases, which is why they have lower incidences of allergies, respiratory illnesses, meningitis, and SIDS (a whopping 73% less!) just to name a few.  Researchers have found a link between breastfeeding and later cognitive advantages (i.e., greater intelligence)  And did you know that a breastfed baby has a 20% lower rate of death from ages birth to one year?  But wait, it doesn't stop there because scientists have also found a link between breastfeeding and and a lower incidence of obesity as a teen or adult.  Also, daughters who have been breastfed have lower incidences of breast cancer later in life.  Despite this long list these are only a few of the benefits the breastfed child enjoys.  In short, scientists agree that breast milk is extraordinary and miraculous, the perfectly designed food for babies' optimal development.  (While infant formulas sold represent great efforts to duplicate breast milk, they are all seen by doctors and scientists as inferior products when compared with breast milk.)  Developing babies require breast milk, or it's imperfect, but close cousin formula, to grow both mentally and physically. There are no other options. 

     That said, a parent would be quickly charged with child abuse, if in lieu of breast milk or formula, they fed their baby orange juice, Kool Aid, or even squirrel's milk.  Excuses such as, "the child just loves Kool Aid and deserves to be happy," or "the child is going to die of something anyway, why not let him or her enjoy what they like," would be soundly denounced and the parent would be seen as a lunatic. Daring to feed a baby something that wouldn't provide him or her with the optimal chance of development would quickly deem the parent unfit.  They would most likely have their child removed and  face criminal charges.  Clearly, it would be an outrage!  Yet, strangely, once these same babies are weaned, they are often quickly introduced to a diet akin to orange Juice, Kool-Aid, and squirrel's milk for the rest of their lives. The excuses that we deem lunacy for infants are suddenly offered up as legit a year later.  Well, is there a breast milk for children and grown ups, you ask?  Yes, resoundingly yes, and that "milk" is plants.

     Perfection.  Absolute perfection describes plants as foods for humans.  Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains of every variety--plants--hold astonishing and complex nutrition for the optimal health of human beings.  Overwhelming research all point to the same conclusion--plant foods are akin to breast milk for grown ups.  Plant foods provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, and phytonutrients, just to name a few of their inherent benefits.  The The Harvard School of Public Health most recent newsletter, dated October 17, 2012 says this-   
It's hard to argue with the health benefits of a diet rich in vegetables and fruits: lower blood pressure; reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and probably some cancers.  Lower risk of eye and digestive problems; and a mellowing effect on blood sugar that can help keep appetite in check.
     Science is just beginning to discover all the remarkable properties of plant foods for humans.   A recent study even found that psychological well-being and happiness was correlated with eating 7 fruits and vegetables a day.  It's true, they found eating these remarkable, perfect foods actually made people feel happier.

     The fascinating documentary,  Forks Over Knives, (forks as medicine over knives as scalpels) chronicles the stories of independent researchers who all eventually came to the same conclusion--a plant based diet is the healthiest diet for humans.

     The indisputable truth is this--longevity and optimal health are fueled by the foods that were designed for humans. Just like breast milk, not a shred of evidence suggests that other food sources--generally created or tampered with by humans--provide the best chance for cognitive, physical, and emotional health.  Yet, amazingly, a diet analogous to orange juice, Kool-Aid, and squirrel's milk has become our norm.  Eating a whole foods, plant based diet has become the bizarre.  How strange is that?  Sadly, we reject the "breast milk" that has been designed for us.

     So, what's up with my wannabe vegan declaration?  Somewhere along the way I saw that I was limping through life on orange juice, Kool-Aid, and squirrel's milk.  I opened my eyes to see that Almighty God Himself had designed so many, many perfect foods for me. For us.  Foods that were perfectly created to nurture our health, our hearts, and our souls.  And now that I've caught the vision, I'm seeking to feed myself with that perfect mama's milk.  The optimum milk that was created and designed by my loving, unfathomable Father.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane,
    Once again we enjoyed your thoughts. You really are good at this. We did enjoy the documentary "Forks Over Knives", we found it difficult to eat meat for months. We however are back to eating it, but half the amount. You inspire us. Thanks again for your loving thoughts of God!!! Dar&Stephen WGATAP
